Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dublin, Ah Dublin

So, the day from hell hath ended and I have seen the gloriousness of human kindness embodied in this hostel, Camden Place. Everything from the friendly reception (they give free hugs!) to the free tea in the kitchen. The shower was fabulous and, though the dorm is a bit cramped, the beds are so much better than the line of bench I pseudo-slept on last night.

We spent 21 hours at Gatwick airport in London. 21 tedious, obnoxious, hideous hours waiting for the next plane to Dublin that didn't cost an actual body part. And after all the hassle of getting from Hamburg airport (where they had only one strip open for both landings and takeoffs, pushing our flight 2 hours behind schedule) to the Ryanair counter, ryanair went belly up on us and the fun began. I almost cried at the airport, like, wander around and pretend you aren't leaking at the eyeballs kind of frustrated with all of this. Turns out the ryanair booked me for the 10am flight even though I bought my ticket at the same time as Air and C, and double checked as I went. That was fun to find out. So, due to an error probably made by yours truly, I had to buy 3 new tickets for us to get to Dublin because Air and C wouldn't just head to Dublin without me (which I really am greatful for). Well, even when expecting the unexpected you can get hit with travel fees you just never expected.

So, between the landing and the frustrating news there was actual sprinting from one end of Gatwick to the other. I have excersize enduced asthma, so trying to haul ass and not have an asthma attack at the same time was interesting and very painful. But I survived to tell the tale ;)

Feeling a little under the weather today, so it's relax and do laundry day, hopefully catch up on posting as well...

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