Thursday, June 17, 2010


It is SO NICE to use a real computer, even with the strange placement of keys (sillz german keyboards!)
The overnighter was hideously uncomfortable, essentially just big chairs that sort of leaned back a bit. We each had a two row to ourself, but since the armrests don't go down at all, it was still hellish sleeping. It got cold, too, because that's how it would have to be, right? So about two hours before we stop, I realiye 'Duh, I have a silk sleep sack!' so I grabbed it and was wrapped in a warm little silk cocoon for the last two hours. I didn't really sleep much at all, none of us did, but I think C and I are being better sports about it.
We spent ALL DAY yesterday sitting at the hostel and reading or napping because it was gross outside. So, in this beautiful weather here we, or at least C and I (maybe just me at this rate) are going to go grab some food for the real kitchen, make some food and find a park to play about in. Possibly, that would be wonderful but if one person in the group is contrary, then the whole day starts to suck a bit.
That is what we get for travelling together, though, and we knew that from the outset. Well, I am off to change and head out, if Air wants to be lazy she can, if C wants to come then he can, but I want to move today, to see and feel and do and play. I havenät even had coffee, or breakfast of any type (and we left our foodstuffs bag on the train, so go us!) but I am willing to make my day better, damnit, so they come or they don't, their choices.

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