Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Oi, I hurt more *now* than I did yesterday. I'm all stiff and painful after biking 20-odd miles yesterday. Now, I bike around at home (in the heat and up all those freaking hills!) but yesterday was brutal. Beautiful and oh so painful. We started off at Dingle and went about a fourth (third? I don't have the map readily available) of the way around the pennensula. The sights were breathtaking (and the hills were too, I wheezed up most of them). We ate lunch on a jutting bit of rock on a clifface which had been occupied for at least 2500 years. Weird. The blue sea was bashing against the rocks, even the foam was blue-tinged. The best and most fantastic part was sailing down the other side of the mountain we pushed the bikes up to the top of. Exhileration at it's best.

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