Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Well then... An interesting set of events has finally culminated in one thing: Italy. We took a plane to Charlotte, NC and hopped from there to London. A seven hour flight with the most ill-mannered stewardesses I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. They ran two drinkservices, one of them with dinner, and then never once came to offer water to those who were not sleeping. Dehydration is not pleasant, especially when you have to hit the ground- literally- running. So Air and I were tired and cramped fromno sleep and a lackof hyrdation, got into Gatwick and hoofed it to the trains. C. stayed in London to meet up with his girlfriend.
After no small confusion, Air and I figured out how to get to Stansted, which involved not only National Rail, but the Tube as well. Luckily we know our way through most of the tube system from last year, so with minimal confusionwe got to Tottenham Hale. Now, we took the Gatwick Express to London, and it was a fairly normal ride. The Stansted Espress was something out of a nightmare; running fast and hard, it had to have been from the early days of trains, a real relic of train tracks! We got out in one piece only to be foiled by Easy Jet. Easy Jet is inexpensive, and you get exactly what you pay for: the absoluteminimum of service. There were over three hundred people in one queue because there was only one attendant. It took an hour to get to the front, after they opened up three more queues.
After a flight in which Air and I both passed out from exhaustion, we ended up in the Naples airport. We were exhausted, smelly, and weighted down with our bags, but none of that mattered when we had finally gotten here! However, the tourist info was wrong about bus times, so we missed the bus and had to wait until seven to grab one. We read our books and watched Doctor Who (yay!) which made the wait more bearable. A long thirty minutes later we were off the bus and in Salerno. With limited confusion, because we both can read some Italian, we foundthe hostel before dark. We promptly took showers and fell asleep for, oh, fourteen hours or so. After kebab and walking along the beach we came back still feeling under the weather. We both realized that part of our problem was dehydration. After several bottiglie di acqua, we are feeling much better. Tonight we will try to get out and about, see some of what goes on in Salerno at night.
The weather is gorgeous, though how the italians wear jeans all the time is beyond me. We leave Salerno in two days to got to Gaeta, then onwards to Milan. We're going to try to go to the Amalfi coast tomorrow, Paestrum or Ercolano maybe as well.

That's all for this round, the keyboard is too awful on this horrid hostel computer, but I'll post again soon :)

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