Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Train to Munich, June 13

To begin with, the train from Prague left at about 8.30, so we had to leave the hostel before breakfast. We had bought the breakfast tokens (non-refundable) before we knew that we wouldn't be there for the last one, so we asked at the front desk if there was any way to grab just a roll and cheese or something to go, since we'd paid for it already. They said to ask the girl downstairs who was making breakfast, so Air and I went down (this was back when C's stomach was still cranky) to see if we could score some food for our train. The girl was wonderful, I explained that we had the breakfast tokens and all we were wondering was if we could grab something small to go. She took me to the kitchen and was so concerned that she didn't have much to give us because she'd only started making the food. She wrapped up cheese and rolls, and gave us freshly boiled eggs, so that we could have a good breakfast for our trip, she said. Wonderful girl. We put the food in the (now lost) food bag and took turns hauling it about. It was early on a Saturday, so the trolleys ran late, but we made it to the train station with little fuss, and got a train straight to Munich, no changes or anything. It was about 7 hours, and we found a compartment with one little old(er) lady, so we took over. When she laft, about an hour or two in, we just spread out to encompass the whole compartment. The best thing about the train was that it got almost cold at times because of the air conditioning! Blessed relief from the heat of Prague. I spent a good three hours writing up blogs on the train, until the laptop died on me, and then the next four hours was taken up by music, and then by reading.

So, unlike the journey to Prague, Prague let us go without any fuss at all.

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