Wednesday, October 17, 2012

So this one time, I walked up and down a London road with every intention of getting to the grocery and back home without issue... And then I realized (at the store) that I'd left my wallet at the house. 


Duly embarrassed, I ditch the kit, hike back home and then... Yup. Back to the store. I grant you that Hammersmith is only a mile down the road from my humble abode. Still! After all the giddy joy of walking back to the store, re-shopping, and actually paying this time... I took the bus. All four stops.

The only thing I can think, though, is that my feet thank me for investing in a travelpass, a most wonderful invention. Lazy or not, I'm back home now, making dinner and drinking tea. Like a boss.

Bonus: Cheever, the gigantic Newfoundland we live with, loves carrots. Loves them. He was all sorts of crazy happy when I lugged in a kilo of them for him. Messy carrot-guts now adorn not only Cheever but a good portion of my jeans (that dog can slobber!) and yet, it was a good day. Now, time to crack down on submissions and get working again. 

After dinner. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sitting in Caffé Nero...

A post that saved, instead of posting. From a good week ago, actually. Oooops... Spending money to use the free wifi, but who cares. It's faster and better than the student's union. Bunch of pretentious... I gave up on propriety and took off my shoes. They've been soaked through for hours now, and my feet are so cold I can't feel my toes. I figure if anyone has a problem, I'll refer them to my toes. They're Brits, though. They'll put up with a lot before they complain. Had overpriced ramen for lunch, and overpriced (though quite tasty) hot chocolate to try to warm up, and to buy my way onto the wifi. I like Caffé Nero much more than Starshmucks. Probably because I can get just about anything for almost a pound less than Shmucks. That and they've always been super nice, really friendly, and they've got better lattes.
Just saying "Hi!" because I've been remarkably lax in picture taking (And really recording and blogging and all of it really...)