Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Okay, Okay. I've heard that you lot think I've died. Well, I haven't, but I have been busy running hither-and-yon trying to work everything out. Housing is a nightmare and trying to get enrolled... I'll start on that later! Safe to say though, that after listening to the cogs and gears at work in the school bemoan the new system, I don't feel quite so left-in-the-rain. I definitely sent them an email with that as the closing. Peter (the cog) told me he was absolutely sorry to hear that circumstances were such for so many internationals, but that the new system had just been put in place and was causing nightmares all around. Apparently another London school had to tell 2,600 of it's brand-new Internationals that their visas were invalid unless they found a new school in less than one week; I'm alright with having to hoop-jump if it means not being deported for my school's mistakes! All in all I feel I've been fairly mistreated in the entire adventure, but it is getting better. Tomorrow is the Globe Theatre for "The Taming of the Shrew" and then Thursday is... duhn duhn duhn! Ariel! I'll go ahead and use first names this time. Too confusing otherwise, what with both our names starting with "A". I miss you all, but I'll be getting on just fine I think. Happy travels!

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