Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I know, I know....

How rude of me to be so spotty and inconsistent with my postings, but it can not be helped. And this kezboard is so strange, the z is a y and the y a z. Oi. But, mine followers, I just wanted to update you in the affairs of CroatiaČ mostly, reading. Reading and lazing about on the beaches. Wećve gone snorkeling and found some interesting seashells and such. Even an urchin shell!

As for updates, I have a few I have written up but I need to get wireless to get them to you, so donćt hold your breath for it. I think the next place with wireless is Barcelone, another 5 days out. However, dont despair! I will drown your sorrows with a flood of information you never knew you wanted!

Now, there is a pizza with my name on it...

1 comment:

  1. Did they make your name out of pepperoni, or did you just sharpie in the letters?
