Sunday, August 22, 2010

Aaah, back to England. I love this rather dismal, rainy land. We're in Bath for tomorrow, and then London for the last 4 days of the trip. I can't even believe that it has come to an end so fast... I can't imagine the world outside of this trip, but I also can't wait to get home to the new kittens, my sweet kitties, and as ever, the family.

I have a song to polish, and I'll post it here for your amusement.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A little bit of Barcelona

My favorite thing of the day was listening to a street performer singing "The Girl from Ipanema" and watching Air and Danielle's faces as they looked at the staggering view afforded those who take the time to get to Gaudi Parc. Otherwise, I manages to sprain my knee and we've collected Air's cousin for the next week and a half. She's so excited it just becomes infectious! I'll post more later, and I know that in my neglect of my blog I've let you all down a bit, but it's my vacation and I'll do as I please ;P

the first two weeks of August are Europe's vacation weeks. There are just so many people travelling right now that it boggles the mind.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dubrovnik again

Well, back to Dobrovnik and then off to Spain tomorrow. It is nice to be moving once more, I think we got a bit stir crazy at the end, despite a desire to kick back and relax. But now we will have Danielle to shake things up, and only 20 more days. How did the time pass by as fast as it did? I seem to not remember the days just whizzing by, but that is how it seems now. I can look back at all the crazy things we have done and said and eaten and laugh and sigh and I can already feel myself missing all this. Maybe I can come out again next year (but I wont hold my breath...)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I know, I know....

How rude of me to be so spotty and inconsistent with my postings, but it can not be helped. And this kezboard is so strange, the z is a y and the y a z. Oi. But, mine followers, I just wanted to update you in the affairs of CroatiaČ mostly, reading. Reading and lazing about on the beaches. Wećve gone snorkeling and found some interesting seashells and such. Even an urchin shell!

As for updates, I have a few I have written up but I need to get wireless to get them to you, so donćt hold your breath for it. I think the next place with wireless is Barcelone, another 5 days out. However, dont despair! I will drown your sorrows with a flood of information you never knew you wanted!

Now, there is a pizza with my name on it...